We want YOU here!


Our Child Nutrition staff play an integral part in serving our mission to continuously improve meals and services to meet nutritional requirements, provide a variety of menu items, and give the healthiest choices with the freshest ingredients available. 


Get in on the scoop: https://www.sf.k12.sd.us/page/nutrition-services


Requirements & Job Duties 

Food Service Equipment/Mechanical Technician (Lead)


Salary Schedule

2024-2025 Classified Staff Salary Schedule - Level NX, starting at $31.34 per hour


Pay Day

Last working day of each month.



Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm with a working lunch


1.0 FTE, 40 hours per week, 12 months


2024-2025 12 Month Classified Staff Calendar

Benefit Information

Benefits (only for positions 20 hours per week or more) 


Current District Employees

All current District employees interested in applying must complete an application


The Human Resources Department is available to assist with the online application process. Call 605-367-7661 if you are in need of assistance. Please be sure to use an email address that you check regularly when completing the online application.


Post-Offer Criminal Background Check Required

Relay Services for Deaf or Hard of Hearing:  Dial 711, then the desired number


Technical assistance about completing an online application can be directed to: Technical Help